Duration: 60 minutes
Complexity level: technical
The promise of DevOps is to accelerate builds and enable faster software delivery. But that promise isn't always kept. Are you struggling to deliver all the committed roadmap items on time? Do you find yourself reworking the same logic because your feedback loop takes too long?
Join Bitrise for a 60-minute session to learn why fast builds (both locally and in CI) are important for development teams, especially for mobile applications. We'll walk you through the benefits of a fully automated, mobile-specific CI/CD process and see how it positively impacts a developer's day-to-day life. Then we'll introduce what top teams are doing and how you can take your current CI/CD setup to the next level, allowing your team to deliver more features faster.
Solutions Engineer, @Bitrise
Nick is passionate about improving developer productivity through build, test, and deploy automation. As a former iOS and Android Developer, he has been able to help many mobile organizations both large and small to mature their automation practice.